Damascus Road Project provides each of our clients with an EXODUS BAG complete with hygiene items, toiletries, snacks, a journal and more. These bags are often the first (and only) things our clients have when they are starting over. Our clients have the opportunity to replenish these items as needed. We recognize that basic needs need to be met first before healing can begin. We are always grateful for your donations of full-sized hygiene and toiletry items to bless these amazing women with. (Hotel / trial sized items can be triggering to some clients who have experienced trauma in a hotel/motel setting, so we prefer to accept only full-sized items.) Dollar Stores are a great place to get these items!
We also include a bible, a personal journal, an encouraging book or two, snacks, nutrition bars and a hand written note filled with love and encouragement.
Finally, each girl receives a hand tied fleece blanket that was specially crafted with her in mind. We want our girls to know that they are loved.
Damascus Road Project, Inc
1528 Oregon Street Oshkosh, WI 54902 (On SIte) P.O. Box 275 Oshkosh, WI 54903 (Mailing Address)